Saturday, November 8, 2008

Being Little Is Exhausting

Tonight after a full-blown fling herself on the floor tantrum (all because she didn't get a Subway sandwich like Dad had.. apparently she prefers a foot-long.)Sophie finally settled down. About 10 minutes later she took me by the hand and said.."Can you come lay down with me? I'm tired from all that screaming."


Abby said...

I love your costume-clad children (and you)! I will never get over how funny and bizarre it is to dress our kids up like whatever and send them to strangers' doors demanding candy. How do I explain now to my 3 year old that we do NOT--EVER--take candy from a stranger...except for that time I sent you to their doors asking...anyway, love the surprised pumpkin and hubby--too funny. Does he light them on fire at the end of the festivities, or do they just burn all night like that without disintegrating? There's a little pyro in all boys/men, no?

Amy Lynn said...

I love it! This is EXACTLY what happens at our house...I just cling to the fact that a good tantrum means a really good nap at the end.

kristina said...

Sooo funny! I love it! Theres nothin like a good temper tantrum! Did you tell her you were exhausted too from listening to it! :)

Heather Zwygart said...

I love it that is kids are so funny Zadie has just started the tantrum faze and being number 5 she gets no sympathy!! Poor thing, but she is funny because she use to throw her self on the floor where ever she was. She had quickly learned that the kitchen floor is hard and it hurts. So she will go to the living room before she falls to the floor!! And we think they don't understand things. They are so dang smart!!

Lucky Mommy said...

That's so sweet it almost makes up for the public temper tantrum. Maybe she'll learn to save her energy for playing instead!

Denise said...

Love it. The life of a child...