So just when I think I MIGHT be becoming more like those "grown-ups" I've heard talk of..
(ya know the ones: they watch the news and prepare budgets.. they keep receipts and take vitamins.. and I'm pretty sure they know how many countries there are in the world.)
So although I do not do any of the above mentioned items..
I do show glimpses of a grown-up here and there.
I mean, after all:
I recycle.
I keep my kids clean.. pretty clean.. and fed.
I can do basic math. Very, basic, math.
And there's a BUNCH of wrinkles on my face.
So as I was saying.. I think I'm legit in a few facets..
if only a very, rare, few.
But the other day-- in the bathroom of a frozen yogurt place called "Spoon Me"--
I seriously started doubting my maturity in general.
In those ever-so-popular vinyl letters, they had decorated the walls with phrases like:
"You.. Me... Spoon?"
"Feel like spooning?"
I know. Cute. A play on words with the places name.
But what turned it from cute..
to freakin' hilarious, for me, personally..
was the way in which other customers..
much likely a bit younger than myself,
had cleverly peeled all the S's and N's off every "spoon".. turning it into.. um.. "poo."
Therefore.. the phrases had become..
"You... Me... poo?"
"Feel like poo ing?"
Or my very favorite..
"Shhh. Just poo."
I laughed out loud.
Like a 5th grader.
For a good while.
I mean what's not funny about THAT?
(Don't answer if you're in a real grown-up kinda mood.)
5 years ago