Saturday, May 2, 2009

Big news. HUGE.

At 3 years and 3 months almost to the day....
SOMEONE has decided to use the potty.
We knew we were in for a challenge, when by age 3, all bribes, including a life size DORA for heavens sake, JUST for tinkle ..
were met with a simple, "I don't really need that."
We were convinced she'd be going to Prom in Depends.
Needless to say.. we're very excited.


Jana said...

You need to go read my update on FB. Today was the first day Stocky went poop on the toilet. He has been in undies for 3 days now but today is the first day he came up to me and said "Mom, I need to go poop" I thought I was going to die.

I am sooooo excited, just ask Brynne I was talking to her on the phone and I hung up on her because we needed to celebrate!!! This is HUGE news....

Congrats to Sophie and Stocky!!!

Jana said...

BTW I thought with your headline reading Big News, HUGE. You were annoucing you were prego...

Amy Lynn said...

I can't tell you how truly amazing that is! Everyone said girls were easier to potty train than boys but I got myself a 4 year old (4 years, 5 months, and 5 days) that is just getting the hang of it. The doctor said not to worry but I had the same vision of prom night in depends. So truly...your daughter is a gifted GENIUS! (Plus who wouldn't want to go if they had a potty like that!)

kristina said...

Sooooo happy for you! No more diapers! Good job Sophie!:)
p.s. Conner will be going to prom in depends! He does not seem to care! :(

Julie said...

What is it with these girls in the family? Miss Madeline was herself an over 4 year old in the potty training department. Give Sophie a big "hip, hip hooray" from all her peeps her in St Louis!

Abby said...

Congrats, Sophie! I am willing to bet that Boo is going to be a beast with the potty.
I am sad you had to come home from all the magic. sigh. What fun memories for your kids!

Emma Jo said...

Oh there is nothing more satisfying that a little girl in panties. That sounded totally wrong but you get me, right? Adorable right down to the pink potty.

gracie said...

Wow, we can celebrate together! Garrett at 3 years 10 months is completely done!!! We never thought this day would come either!

mo said...

A truly memorable and meaningful milestone! Way to go Sophs!

Leese said...

YAY!!! Congrat's! Wow no more diapers...I've been changing diapers every day for 7years and 10 months! Don't know what it would be like to not have to do that...oh wait - yeah, I think it'd be pretty fantasic!

me and him said...