Sunday, March 22, 2009

Seriously, Roscoe?

He really is, usually.. a great dog.


Julie said...

Not feeding him enough I guess. That's a bummer. Its worse when they get a hold of friend's shoes and then you have to buy a new pair, or at least offer. My Daisy has a preference for tampons, not shoes.

mo said...

Our lab chewed on EVERYTHING for the first two years of her life. I still have furniture bearing her teethmarks. We learned to keep shoes far away from her during that period. She finally outgrew it. How old is Roscoe?

Amy Lynn said...

That is hilarious! Hannah thinks she is a dog most of the time but she hasn't started chewing shoes yet. Gotta remember to keep those away from her...

Heather Zwygart said...

Our lab did the same thing our back deck is chewed all over and the play set is a mess. Dang I sure miss him !! Seriously I do he would probably be past that and we would have him to love!! Someday when I have less diapers to change I'll get another dog!