Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chick Magnet..

Roscoe has slowly come around to not shaking uncontrollably when the chicks approach him.
If he's secretly thinking "Mmmmm.. bet they taste like, chicken.."
he's doing a good job of hiding it.


Julie said...

He really looks like he's thinking hard about it! BTW, he is a huge dog.

Brynne said...

What a great picture! Roscoe is such a good dog, look at that self-restraint.

Carrie Ann said...

I love that your dog fears chickens... our dog just kills them.

Amy Lynn said...

He is so looking at that bird like it is a juicy rotisserie chicken. Watch out...he will snap one day and not feel an ounce of guilt.

Now I'm craving chicken.

El Presidente said...

Can we get your chickens and our ducks together for a play date?


Abby said...

I'm with Amy. The fear was an act, now he's gaining trust--yours and theirs...I smell trouble.
Ok, he really is a cute dog. I may be all wrong about him being a killer.

Heather Zwygart said...

That is the best picture it needs to be in some animal magazine!